I’m Craig Stanland.
I’m a Keynote Speaker, Reinvention Architect, and Author of the best-seller, “Blank Canvas, How I Reinvented My Life After Prison.”
I also publish the weekly newsletter, “Midlife Reinvented.“
How does one tell their story?
The truth is always a great place to begin:
I blew up my life because I was afraid to ask life for what I wanted.
I was the poster child for a midlife crisis. I spent the 1st half of my life chasing all the shoulds and supposed “tos.”
I checked all the boxes I believed I had to check:
Job title, money, status, and prestige.
But my life was empty. There was no direction, purpose, meaning, or fulfillment.
I was living inauthentically and operating out of fear.
I was terrified to go after what I truly wanted and didn’t believe professional success and personal fulfillment could coexist.
I thought it was one or another.
So, I self-sabotaged in true scorched-earth fashion by defrauding a tech giant and landing in federal prison.
I lost everything along the way (including my will to live) and reinvented my life from scratch.
I screwed up, you don’t have to.
I speak and write about my journey to ignite individuals on their journey of self-discovery to unlock their authentic selves, unleash their potential, and live purpose-driven lives.
Lives where professional success and personal fulfillment not only coexist – but thrive in harmony.