Want a Life That Feels Rich? Focus on This, Not Stuff

Materialism is ephemeral.

Meaning is enduring.

Meaning, deep meaning cultivated from the authentic expression of ourselves is sticky; it lives within us beyond just memory that says,

“XYZ happened, and that’s it.”

There’s no emotional charge; there’s no inner feeling of deep satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.

Think back to something you chased and acquired, some shiny object you “knew” would make you happy.

Where is it in your home?

Tucked away in a closet because it lost its shine?

Or it could become like wallpaper, there but no longer visible to your conscious mind.

More importantly, where is it in your body?

Where does the memory of its acquisition live?

Your brain?

How about your heart?

Does the memory fill you from within at all?

I know my materialistic memories live in my brain, filed away under the “XYZ happened, and that’s it” label.

Now, think back to when you were a kid.

Reflect on your favorite memories; what were you doing?

Maybe it was building a fort, climbing trees, drawing, or creating a game where the rules were fluid and developed on the fly.

Sit in that feeling. How do you feel?

Now think about this:

The fort no longer exists, you might not be able to find your favorite tree, your drawings may have disappeared, and you can’t quite remember all the rules of the games you and your friends created.

In other words, the outcome is gone, but what about the memory?

Where does that memory live, and how does that memory make you feel?

I know I come alive when I think about these memories; I can feel the glint in my eye and the fullness in my heart.

I can see the forts and my favorite trees.

There’s a unique aliveness we all feel that can only be born from the authentic expression of ourselves.

I experience that, and I love it.

Chasing externals will never provide that feeling.

Sure, they provide a quick high, but quick highs fade quickly.

We don’t relish the memory of the work we did to acquire the external; more often than not, we didn’t even like the work we had to do to obtain it.

And so we’re left with an emotionally empty memory and nothing more.

Connecting deeply with our authentic selves, creating from this place, and sharing our contributions is a different story.

Creating meaning is sticky.

When I chased the hand-me-down definition of success, life was about acquiring as much as possible to be happy.

It was an attempt to give the career I didn’t like meaning.

But that’s not meaning; it’s superficial at best and a decimation of my self-image at worst.

When I live from an authentic definition of success, I cultivate deep meaning, and happiness ensues.

And while the happiness fades, the feeling of meaning does not.

Here are 3 tips to help you create more sticky memories:

Engage Your Senses Fully in the Moment

When you create, immerse yourself in the experience—what do you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste? The more senses you engage, the more deeply the memory will embed itself in your body, not just your mind.

Sticky memories aren’t just recalled; they are relived.

Prioritize Experiences Over Outcomes

Shift focus from what you’re achieving to how you’re experiencing it. Instead of chasing external rewards, lean into authentic self-expression, whether through art, storytelling, play, or deep conversations. These moments carry emotional weight, making them endure long after the event is over.

Anchor Meaning Through Reflection

At the end of each day, take two minutes to reflect: What was the most alive moment today? Where did I feel joy, awe, or deep connection? The simple act of acknowledging meaningful experiences strengthens their presence in your life, making them a lasting part of your story.

A truly rich, deep, and full life doesn’t come from chasing externals.

It flows like a perpetual cistern when we create as many sticky memories as possible.