Is your life like that moment when you pull into your driveway and don’t remember driving home?
Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel?
You’re running so fast and getting absolutely nowhere.
Busy. Busy. Busy.
And very little to show for it.
It’s exhausting; it’s frustrating and, quite frankly, maddening.
Days fly by, weeks vanish, and the years pile up.
Your entire life is like when you pull into your driveway and don’t remember driving home?
You wonder how you got where you are.
You’re cruising on autopilot, and nothing will ever change until you change.
Fortunately, there is one simple step you can take, starting today, to seize intentionality over your life and step off the hamster wheel.
You don’t have to change your routine (yet); all you have to do is ask this question before you embark on what it is you always do,
“Why am I doing this?”
This practice requires awareness, and you can do a couple of simple things to enhance that awareness:
- How often do you check your phone w/o responding to an alert? You know, those moments when you grab your phone without thinking? And 30 minutes later, you’re in a cat vortex on Instagram.
Try this: Set your screen saver to a stop sign with the words “Why am I doing this?” on it.

- Place post-it notes around your house with “Why am I doing this?” on them.
What you’re aiming to do is snap yourself out of autopilot and your default mode. You’re aiming to bring some awareness into the actions you take daily.
You’re training yourself to be more intentional.
And when you’re more intentional, you seize command over your life.
📣 New Offering! Check out the Reinvention Reset.
It’s a highly focused, tactical, 60-minute call designed to get you unstuck, reinvigorate, and build momentum.